Make Her Say is a single from the new and up coming artist Kid Cudi, this single features two other artists Kanye West and Common. The video was to promote the single and his new album Man On The Moon: The End Of Day, the single samples man acoustic version of Lady Gaga's hit track Poker Face. The director for the video Nez Khammal, both him and Cudi decided to go with an abstract feel for the video. Cudi said "We wanted to go for a real abstract and iconic-looking video, something real artsy. It's really dope. It's like split screen, and how he shot it is with multiple, different shots. It's almost like there's still shots and there's movement going on in them. It's really trippy." Nez has directed videos for other artists such as Paolo Nutini, Kano and Lily Allen, he said "We shot Kanye in L.A. and we shot Common and Kid Cudi in New York. I tried to find a place in New York that just felt - not that it had to be specifically L.A., but something that just jelled everything." The artists weren't all shot in the same place so Nez had to find locations that all fitted together. Nez had an idea of splitting the screen in two for the video, he wanted the top and the bottom half of the screen to have different shots going on. This technique is carried out through out the whole video, he switches between having shots that relate with each other, to shots that mirror each other, to shots that are completely different. The artists are never in the same shot, for the first verse in the song Cudi is in the video, the second verse Kanyes in the video and Common is in the final verse. At the end of the song Nez switches between shots to have one artists at the top and one on the bottom to get them to come together and then finishes with Cudi. The first shot is of the balloons floating in the sky and the bottom half of the screen is mirroring that shot, this techniques used with other shots in the video.
Each artist has there own set which they are doing their own part in, Kid Cudi does his part in several locations, the first is on the rooftop with the balloons, the second is inside building which looks like its being used for a photo shoot and the last setting is him driving in a convertible with a woman down a road, he has a different set of clothes for this set. In the first two sets hes moving around, theres shots of him dancing, sitting down on a sofa and him walking through the room and a variety of other shots. The shots through out the video are also shot from many different angles. When hes driving down the road hes not doing anything more than just driving but there are long shots, close up shots and shots from above upside down.
Kanyes part is next in the video, to the beat of the song the top half of the screen goes to a swimming pool and then the bottom half changes to a shot of a woman sitting on a diving board at the swimming pool. Eventually we see Kanye walking along side the pool on the bottom, the top half then changes to his reflection in the pool as he walks by. He then begins rapping, standing next to the pool, the shots change to him sitting in the stadium stands on an American football pitch using a variety of shots. His part then ends with him sitting in some kind of lecturing room. The places he was shot in were related to the things he was talking about in the song. The things he talks about are college related and the areas that he was in in the video are places that you would find on a college campus in America.
Common is introduced by using the same technique as when Kanye was introduced, the bottom and top half the screen change to the beat of the song. The first shot is a low angle shot of a building, we then see common walking past a woman on the phone behind some kind of reception desk. Above the desk there are three clocks which show the time in New York, Los Angeles and London. Common begins his part of the song sitting on the end of a bed with a woman lying in it, there are many different shots took of Common sitting on the bed from all different angles. It then changes to the beat of the song to a shot of Common walking down a spiraled set of stairs from above, the bottom and top half of the shot are the same but one has been turned around. The rest of his part in the video consists of shots of him standing and walking in front of a coloured glass window and shots from before.
Once Common finishes his part, various shots are used from before to show all three artists. There are also many other shots which fit Nez's abstract theme for the video. In the studio room from the start of the video there is a woman riding a chopper bike, also on the roof with the balloons there is a woman lying down playing on a DJ Hero console to the beat of the mixing in the song. I think Nez achieved what he wanted to do in this video, the shots make the whole video very abstract. The locations really go with the feel of whats being said in the song and works well together.

(Kid Cudi)
I make her say
(Lady GaGa) Chorus
Oh ah ah oh oh ah oh oh (When I)
Pa-pa-pa poker (poke her) face Pa-pa poker (poke her)face (I make her say)
Oh Ah Oh Oh Ah Ah Ah Oh Oh(What Up)
Pa-Pa-Pa Poker Face (Me First) Pa-Pa Poker Face
(Kid Cudi)
She Wanna Have Whatever She Like
She Can If She Bring Her Friend
And We Can Have One Hell Of A Night
Through The Day
Ay I Mean Stand Like A creeper Cuz You Gotta Beep her
I Mean Prime Might Be Sayin You Ain't Joggin Either
But Man Ol' Girl Gotta fat Ol' Ass
Yeah The Type To Make You Tell "Bitch Just Dance"
And Fuck Them Otha Niggas Cuz You Down For Her Bitches
And Fuck Them Otha Niggas Cuz She Down For The Stickin
And Fuck Them Otha Niggas Cuz Hope She Down For Some Lickin
And Fuck Them Otha Bitches Cuz She Down For The Trickin
I'm Hoping She A Rider
When It's Said And Done Will She Spit It Up And Swallow Nooow
I Ain't Got Trip Bout Them Niggas Who Like Her
Cuz Me And Mommy Know, Could Really Make Her Go
(Lady GaGa) Chorus
(Ay, What You Talkin Bout 'Ye)
(Kanye West)
She Say She Want Whatever She Like
She Say She Gonna Bring Her Friend
And We Gonna Have A Hell Of A Night
Threw The Day
I made Her Say
Hold up(Yea), Born In 88(Word)
How Old Is That(Damn)
Old Enough
I Got Seniority, With The Sorority
So, That Explains Why I Love College
Getting Brain In The Library Cuz I Love Knowledge
When You Used Your Medulla Oblongata
And Give Me Scoliosis Until I Comatose'st
And Do While I'm Sleep, Yeah A Lil Osmosis
And That's My Commandment, You Ain't Gotta Ask Moses
More Champagne, More Toasts'st
More Damn Planes, More Coasts'st
And Fuck The Bus, The Benz Is Parked Like Rosa(osa)
(Lady GaGa) Chorus
She Said She Want Whatever She Like
But You Gotta Bring Your Friend
And We Can Have One Hell Of A Night
Through The Day
She Blamed It On The A-A-A-A-A-Alcohol
She Had Her Hair Did, It Was Bound To Fall
Down Down For A Damn, Cudi Already Said It
Her Poker Face Book I'd already read it
But Man, Her Head Was Gooder Than A Music
Electro Body, Known To Blow Fuses
A Stripper From The South
Lookin For A Payday
Said, Bitch You Should Do It For The Love Like Ray-J
But They Say You Be On The Conscious Tip
Get Your Head Right And Get Up On This Conscious Dick
I Embody Everything From The Godly To The Party
Its The Way I Was Raised On The Southside Safari
(Lady GaGa) Chorus
(Lady GaGa)
Can't Read My, Can't Read My,
No He can't Read On My Poker Face,
(She's Got Me Like Nobody)
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