Tuesday 26 October 2010

Audience Research

We made a questionnaire for people to answer about music, we wanted to find out what kind of music people listen to and how they find it. We handed the questionaire out to some of the students around the school, we also asked some people around the school the questions and recorded their responses. These are the responses we got.


We have began planning for our music video, this is a spider diagram of the ideas that we have came up with so far. We are trying to relate the video to the lyrics in the song.

The main idea we have had for the video is to have it based on a relationship between a girl and a boy, we listened to the song a number of times and we thought that this is what the song was about. The general idea is that is that the couple start off happy but begin to argue, there will be many shots of them doing normal activities which a couple would do such as going to the cinema, shopping together etc. Something will happen and there would be an argument between the two, the rest of the video will be him thinking about their relationship.

Thursday 7 October 2010

Gaining Band's Permission

We need to ask the bands permission before we can start planning and filming so we decided to email them, the band left some of their member's email addresses so we contacted one of them.
This is the email that we sent to James Loughlin:

They emailed back on the same day, this is the email they sent us back:

Now that we have the bands permission we can start our planning for the video.

Finding A Band

We have to find a band to let us use one of their songs to make a music video for, the band has to be unsigned and we need their permission to use the song. We used a website called http://www.unsigned.com/ to find a band, this website has thousands of unsigned artists of many different genres. The artists have their own page where they can upload their songs and get feedback from people. We went through many bands but it took us a while to find a band which we liked, we narrowed our choices down to three bands with one song each.
Our three choices were:
The 99s
The Painted Lilies
We decided to go with The 99s, we chose them because the other band's songs weren't quite what we were looking for. We thought The 99s song Oh Me Oh My would be good to make a video for and we liked the song so we would enjoy doing it.

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Recovery Album Cover, Digipak and Poster

This is the front cover for Eminem's new album Recovery, the cover is quite simple and no effects have been used to edit it. We can see a long shot of Eminem on the left hand side from behind walking down a road on his own. On the right we can see power lines going down the road into the distance, the title Recover is in the top right corner. The 'O' in the title has been turned into a white cross in a red circle like a first aid symbol, the second 'E' is turned around to face the other way, Eminem does this most of the time with his other albums and posters. The artist is recovering from a drug addiction he has had over the past few years and the title explains what this album is about, his last album was called Relapse and this new album is showing the recovery hes made over the last few years.
This is the back of the album cover, we can see Eminem sitting down on a sofa with city buildings in the background. There are objects in the shot that you would normally find in a living room like the lamp and other furniture. There is also a sign in the background which says "Eminem Welcomes You To Detroit", this is probably just showing that he is from Detroit. Something else I noticed is that i could see a reflection of something around him.

This is one of the pictures in the digipak, its quite similar to the back of the album cover. There are the same buildings in the background but they are further away, all of the furniture from the back cover are still in the shot. The main difference is that he is a glass box with all the furniture and this is where the reflection came from. Eminem is casually sitting down reading a book, where as he was looking at the camera last time. This relates to what he says some of his lyrics, he talks about being in a glass cage, being in a zoo, and having the whole world constantly watching him.

This is the inside of the digipak, on the left we can just see a white page with Eminem in big letters in brackets and some information on his songs in red. on the right we can see a medium shot from side on of Eminem with his top off looking at the camera. I think the shot is to show off his tattoos on his left arm, the one on his forearm is a tribute to his best friend who died a few years ago, Eminem also dedicated the album to him.
This is in the middle of the digipak, the same picture is on both sides but one has been turned upside down, the rest of the digipak is upside down from this point onwards. In the middle is the recovery symbol. The picture is a close up of Eminem holding his hand over his eye, this part of the digipak represents the turning point in the album, the songs start off more aggressive and half way through they become more sentimental and meaningful.

This is towards the end of the digipak, on the left we can see half of the recovery symbol and some writing about the album, there is also a picture of his best friend Proof who died and this is who he dedicated the album to. There is also a quote which Eminem wrote to go with the picture telling people who are going through hard times, it does get better. On the right there is a close up picture of Eminem with his hood up, eyes closed and hands together. I think this picture is showing that he is praying for his best friend.

This is the poster for Eminem's Recovery album, the picture for the poster is the same picture for the album cover. A few things have been added to the picture such as Eminem name above the title, the date in the bottom right corner and information on the songs on the album and some record company logos.