In our video the main character will be Jacob, he is playing a teenager so he will be wearing his normal clothes, we want the video to look like its happening over a period of time so he will be wearing different clothes for most scenes. There is also a girl in the video, we have not decided who is going to play her yet but she will be wearing typical teenagers clothing as well.
There will be a scene in the video where Jacob walks by a homeless man in the park played by me, for this I will be wearing gloves and a wooly hat, and will be lying on a bench in a sleeping bag or a blanket. For this scene Jacob will walk by me and give me some money so we will need a few coins, we are also going to make a sign sayin I'm hungry or money for food on cardboard to have next to the bench and thats where Jacob will put the coin.
There are a few scenes where Jacob and the girl are doing things as a couple, such as walking the dog, so obvioulsy we will need a dog for that scene. There is also a scene where they are feeding ducks, so we will need to find a pond with ducks in it.
For the choruses we are using stop frame animation, we are using a number of ways to spell out the title of the song Oh Me Oh My. One of them we are going to use pens and pencils to spell it out so we are going to need a lot of stationary.
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