In our production piece we use green screen, we decided to experiment by using the green screen and different lighting. We did this because when putting the video footage onto green screen the quality wasn't good, this was because the lighting we had on Jacob was causing shadows to appear on the green screen. We filmed it again experimenting with the amount of light and where the lights were positioned, this is a video of the different lighting experiments we tried.
We wanted to use the green screen for a shot in the in the video where the main protagonist (Jacob) would be on the screen four times at once and then walk off the screen from the right to the left, he would appear on the left hand side and would appear again slightly to the right until he is on the screen four times. He will be holding up a card each time he appears on the screen with the words Oh Me Oh My and lip syncing the lyrics at the same time.

Another reason why we were getting shadows was because of the green screen itself, because it was wrinkled all the shadows showed up clearly. We found it hard trying to keep it straight and we couldn't get rid of all the wrinkles, one way we could reduce the amount was by editing. We could crop the green screen footage when we put it on top of another piece of footage, we cropped everything around Jacob to reduce the amount of shadows. This gave our shot a more professional feel, using the cropping tool also made it easier to fit him on the screen four times.
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